Waddy Store

EXE JAPANESE REAL OPPAI Takahashi Seiko super realistic breasts actress famous device

$7,850.00 TWD
$7,850.00 TWD

JAPANESE REAL OPPAI Takahashi Seiko super realistic breasts actress famous device

A perfect replica of the murder weapon of the super popular actress Takahashi Seiko! The total weight of the breast is 3.7kg. It is made of three layers of material to ensure that the feel can reach the most realistic level! Extremely soft! Great feel!

- Three-layer structure
- Weight: approximately 3700 g
- J-level big breasts
- Human muscle sensation
- Made in Japan

Imported from Japan

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EXE JAPANESE REAL OPPAI Takahashi Seiko super realistic breasts actress famous device
$7,850.00 TWD

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