Waddy Store

System Jo Candy Shop H2O Candy Flavor Water-Based Lubricant Marshmallow Flavor 60ml

$554.00 TWD $727.00 TWD
$554.00 TWD $727.00 TWDyou save $173.00 TWD
Special lubricant for oral sex. Safe to consume!
System Jo water-soluble scented lubricant. Give you and your sweetest and most delicious foreplay.
Made from pure plant-derived glycerin and natural flavor extracts.
Contains no added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Safe to use.
Water-soluble base. Can be used with silicone toys.

Features: Butterscotch flavor is made from pure natural plant-derived glycerin and natural flavor extracts
No Added Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
Water-soluble. Easy to clean, smooth and non-sticky
Can be used with toys made of various materials (including silicone)
Style: Butterscotch, Marshmallow

Capacity: 60ml
Origin: United States

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System Jo Candy Shop H2O Candy Flavor Water-Based Lubricant Marshmallow Flavor 60ml
$554.00 TWD$727.00 TWD

Improve your knowledge of weird sex

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