Waddy Store

Sensuva Think Clean Thoughts Antibacterial Toy Cleaner 125ml

$701.00 TWD
$701.00 TWD
Product Introduction:

Sensuva Think Clean Thoughts is a convenient, quick-to-use antibacterial spray.
The active antibacterial ingredients contained in it have been proven to kill 99% of bacteria.
The ingredients are mild and will not cause burning sensation on private parts.


- Made from natural ingredients. Contains water, witch hazel extract, organic aloe vera, grape seed extract, etc.
- No parabens, glycerin or petrochemicals

Instructions for use:

- Spray and disinfect sex toys before and after use. Do not use as a lubricant.
- Not for internal use
- If you have an allergic reaction, please rinse with clean water immediately and stop using.

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Sensuva Think Clean Thoughts Antibacterial Toy Cleaner 125ml
$701.00 TWD

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