Waddy Store

A-One Elock Bed Bundle Series

$788.00 TWD
$788.00 TWD
SM supplies developed by Japan's A-ONE. One of the ELOCK heavy-taste series. Made entirely of high-quality nylon material, just like the shoulder straps of a backpack used for mountain climbing. Strong and tough. The joints are made of stainless steel bars, making the process more flexible. The hand and foot buckles can also be used separately. With the Velcro function, the tightness can be adjusted freely, so there is no need to worry about getting hurt due to overly intense exercise. You can also put the whole set of ELOCK under the mattress as shown in the picture below, and then you can fasten the girl to the bed in a spread-eagle position, so you can do whatever you want!

- Made of strong nylon material
- Adjustable tightness
- The hand grip is made of Velcro and soft material
- Hand and foot buckles can be used independently

Imported from Japan
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A-One Elock Bed Bundle Series
$788.00 TWD

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