Waddy Store

MAGIC EYES Kurojiri Super Dynamic Hip Anime Famous Aircraft Cup

$3,479.00 TWD $3,955.00 TWD
$3,479.00 TWD $3,955.00 TWDyou save $476.00 TWD

- Product material: TPE
- Product inner layer: double layer structure
- Product features: non-through type
- Packing size: 162 × 200 × 140 mm
- Product dimensions: 160 × 175 × 115 mm
- Material softness: Soft ■■■■□ Hard
- Product weight: 1600 g

MAGIC EYES Kurojiri Super Dynamic Hip Anime Famous Aircraft Cup
$3,479.00 TWD$3,955.00 TWD

Improve your knowledge of weird sex

❓Did you know? Absent from sexual activity altogether can lead to a reduction in the size of the penis, so if you don't use it regularly you run the risk of losing it. Some of these strange sexual knowledge are unbelievable, and some may even make you doubt whether they are nonsense. What kind of sexual knowledge is really eye-opening? Let’s take a look together~✨