Waddy Store

Cobeco Sperm Enhancer Delicious Ejaculation Drops 30ml

$886.00 TWD
$886.00 TWD

Yummy Cum is an energizing drop that naturally enhances your sexual performance. These drops contain ingredients like L-Arginine, Guarana and White Willow to maintain energy levels with Vitamin C. They help to improve your sexual performance and vitality. Delicious semen provides mind-blowing pleasure and increases sexual performance. Additionally, these drops can improve the taste of sperm and have a positive impact on sperm production.

The recommended daily dose is 4 ml with water, equivalent to approximately 20 drops. Do not take more than 8 ml per 24 hours. Do not exceed dose. A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Dietary supplements cannot replace various nutrients. Keep out of reach of children. If you are taking medication or have an illness, please consult a professional before taking supplements. Desired results may vary from person to person.

Ingredients: White Willow Bark Extract (Salix alba), Cola Extract (Cola acuminata), Guarana Extract (Pullinia cupana), L-Tyrosine, L-Arginine, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Spirulina (Arthrospiraplatensis), Potassium Sorbate, Black Pepper (Piper nigrum ess. oil) . Ginger (Zingiber ess. Oil).

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Cobeco Sperm Enhancer Delicious Ejaculation Drops 30ml
$886.00 TWD

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