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Lovense Flexer APP controls imitation finger G-spot underwear vibrator

$4,058.00 TWD
$4,058.00 TWD
  • The Flexer is a remote controlled insertable dual panty vibrator that can be customized with a variety of vibration levels. The Lovense APP allows you to select a power level that matches your personal needs.
  • APP-Controlled G-Spot and Clitoral Panty Vibrator
  • Let the magic fingers do the work for you!
  • Touch them remotely with your playful helping hand.

  • The best fingering sensation you've never experienced

Triple Vibration Motor
  • Triple Motor:
  • - Choose to activate the clitoral and G-spot vibrators. Or do the suction exercise alone.

  • Wearable:
  • - Free your hands. Comfortable to wear. Suitable for any occasion. Wear under any clothes.
  • Wearable Public Vibrator
  • sports:
  • -The insertable portion provides pressure and movement to the G-spot, creating a "fingering" sensation.
  • Come and exercise

  • Motor is powerful:
  • -Each motor provides super strong stimulation. Bringing pleasure to the entire vaginal area.
  • Very powerful wearable vibrator

  • Super powerful vibes for an unforgettable climax:
  • - Strong double stimulation
  • -Multi-sensory
  • -Intense mixed orgasm

  • Ultralight, Hands-free, Comfortable:
  • -The compact size, ultra-smooth silicone, and great connectivity make the Flexer the best wearable remote-controlled sex toy choice for public settings.

  • compatible:
  • -iPhone/iPad Air/iPad Mini/iPod Touch iOS 11.0 and above
  • -Android 5.0 and above (Bluetooth 4.0 enabled)
  • -Mac (Bluetooth 4.0 enabled)
  • -Windows PC (requires Lovense USB Bluetooth adapter to connect)

  • Any Lovense toy can be connected directly to a Windows PC using the Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter

  • Custom programming mode:
  • - 3 preset intensities
  • - Up to 10 custom frequencies

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Lovense Flexer APP controls imitation finger G-spot underwear vibrator
$4,058.00 TWD

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