Waddy Store

Bathmate Hydro 7 cock enlargement pump transparent

$3,538.00 TWD $3,849.00 TWD
$3,538.00 TWD $3,849.00 TWDyou save $311.00 TWD
Bathmate Hydro 7 is the best-selling and long-standing penis enhancement pump. It is used by people all over the world. Designed to be used in the bath or shower to harness the power of water to increase the length and thickness of your penis.

In addition to making the penis longer and thicker, regular use can make the penis healthier and firmer, improve endurance, and increase sexual satisfaction, truly improving your confidence in sex.

In the five years since its launch, it has been sold in 60 countries around the world and has more than 200,000 satisfied users.

The success factor is based on its simplicity of use, convenience, but most importantly, its proven effectiveness.

After all, 200,000 people is by no means a small number. No matter its advantages or effectiveness, it will surely amaze you.

- Use in the bath or shower
- Use water to increase the length and thickness of your penis
- Improves both hardness and durability
- More than 200,000 users in 5 years
- Do not use the device for more than 15 minutes in 24 hours

Made in the UK

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Bathmate Hydro 7 cock enlargement pump transparent
$3,538.00 TWD$3,849.00 TWD

Improve your knowledge of weird sex

❓Did you know? Absent from sexual activity altogether can lead to a reduction in the size of the penis, so if you don't use it regularly you run the risk of losing it. Some of these strange sexual knowledge are unbelievable, and some may even make you doubt whether they are nonsense. What kind of sexual knowledge is really eye-opening? Let’s take a look together~✨