Waddy Store

Japan Medical Usu-Pita XL XL 60mm 12-piece latex condom

$529.00 TWD
$529.00 TWD

Even size from tip to root.

The Usu-Pita XL Rich is a large size. The uniform diameter from tip to base is 38.2mm.
The length is 210mm including the tail section.

Number of items in stock: 12

Manufacturer: Japan Medical Co.. Ltd.

-Diameter: 44mm
-Width: 60mm
-Length: 215mm
Root: 0.038mm
Middle: 0.029mm
Bottom: 0.030mm
-Transparent and colorless
-100% natural rubber
-Straight wave shape
-With lubrication
-Made in Thailand

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Japan Medical Usu-Pita XL XL 60mm 12-piece latex condom
$529.00 TWD

Improve your knowledge of weird sex

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