Waddy Store

Sagami original 0.09 natural latex condoms 10 pieces

$467.00 TWD $528.00 TWD
$467.00 TWD $528.00 TWDyou save $61.00 TWD
The thicker one is 0.09mm. This is the product with the longest record in our history.

Thanks to the comfortable design, the top is specially enlarged so you won't feel tight when using it and it is more comfortable.
Made of 0.09mm material. The enlarged top design allows for longer lasting pleasure.
Each single pack comes with only Sagami's print. Make sure your partner doesn't know you're using a thicker condom !


Natural milky white
Standard fit
Silicone oil lubricant
Made in Japan


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Sagami original 0.09 natural latex condoms 10 pieces
$467.00 TWD$528.00 TWD

Improve your knowledge of weird sex

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