Waddy Store

Sagami original 0.01 large size 5 piece PU condom

$484.00 TWD
$484.00 TWD

0.01 mm of happiness!

  • Non-rubber condoms. Sagami original!
  • It is a product made of polyurethane material with high biocompatibility instead of traditional rubber.
  • Achieved a thickness of 0.01 mm.
  • No characteristic rubber smell.
  • It has excellent thermal conductivity and instantly transmits warmth to the skin.
  • The surface is smooth and feels natural when used.
  • Recommended for people who are allergic to natural rubber.
  • Individually packaged in easy-to-open blister packs.

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Sagami original 0.01 large size 5 piece PU condom
$484.00 TWD

Improve your knowledge of weird sex

❓Did you know? Absent from sexual activity altogether can lead to a reduction in the size of the penis, so if you don't use it regularly you run the risk of losing it. Some of these strange sexual knowledge are unbelievable, and some may even make you doubt whether they are nonsense. What kind of sexual knowledge is really eye-opening? Let’s take a look together~✨