Waddy Store

System JO Electric Strawberry Nipple Care Gel

$683.00 TWD
$683.00 TWD
Experience fun new sensations with the JO Nipple Titillator. This delicious lickable gel delivers long-lasting stimulation to heighten sensitivity and arousal.

  • Easy to apply. Long-lasting effect
  • Causes and irritates on contact
  • Provides a unique tingling sensation to enhance pleasure
  • Delicious food you can taste
  • Safe to lick formula

Add a playful spark to your sensual experience with the JO Nipple Titillator.

This stimulating gel begins to numb on contact to stimulate your desire, intensify sensations and increase your pleasure. JO Nipple Titillator is made from a proprietary formula of natural ingredients. It is safe and non-toxic.

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System JO Electric Strawberry Nipple Care Gel
$683.00 TWD

Improve your knowledge of weird sex

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